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Accelerating Clinical Trials in the EU
Support mechanisms for non-commercial clinical trials Level
NationalEU Level (Multinational)Global
Dedicated webpage    
Training courses    
Scientific advice     
Helpdesk, regulatory, CTIS and ethics supportRegulatory, ethics and CTIS requirements: Although not specifically stated in legislation, non-commercial clinical trial sponsors may contact the clinical trial department directly for assistance and their queries are prioritised.X  
Other services by National Competent Authority

A 50% reduction is available compared to the standard fee, for both initial clinical trial applications and subsequent substantial modifications. 

Legislation: OJ B'1098/10-08-2006 Art 18 and 19

Services by ethics committee    
Public GCP support    
Public research office    
National funding and other financial support    
Funding coordination and navigation of research infrastructure    
Support identifying research networks    
Other support mechanisms