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Accelerating Clinical Trials in the EU
Support mechanisms for non-commercial clinical trials Level
NationalEU Level (Multinational)Global
Dedicated webpage    
Training courses    
Scientific advice     
Helpdesk, regulatory, CTIS and ethics support    
Other services by National Competent AuthorityUstawa z dnia 9 marca 2023 r. o badaniach klinicznych produktów leczniczych stosowanych u ludzi (  X
Services by ethics committeeUstawa z dnia 9 marca 2023 r. o badaniach klinicznych produktów leczniczych stosowanych u ludzi (  X
Public GCP support    
Public research office    
National funding and other financial support

The Medical Research Agency (MRA) is a state agency responsible for development of scientific research in the field of medical and health sciences. The Agency implements one the first public grant programs with financing for non-commercial clinical trials in Poland.

Ustawa z dnia 21 lutego 2019 r. o Agencji Badań Medycznych (

Funding coordination and navigation of research infrastructure    
Support identifying research networks    
Other support mechanisms